Friday, December 18, 2009

Why extraction of solar energy is not done in a grant scale so as to substitute Electricity and Oils.?

SOLAR ENERGYWhy extraction of solar energy is not done in a grant scale so as to substitute Electricity and Oils.?
Coz ppl r too busy trying to find out how to use something which can be sold for a grt money thn give ppl electricity free out of solar energy ... pure selfishness .. but we do hav solar products many r willing to use thn ...Why extraction of solar energy is not done in a grant scale so as to substitute Electricity and Oils.?
I got a grant from the federal government for $12,000 in financial aid, see how you can get one also at Report Abuse

You really need to back up and look at this whole question with more breadth.

Solar cells produce electricity, not replace it. They replace other sources of electricity like coal, oil, hydro, etc. They do not work under trees or in cloudy or overcast weather conditions.

As the R%26amp;D has progressed, the costs of building, installing and maintaining has come down and the use has increased. As the expense goes down and efficiency goes up, more and more solar will be used.

If you can read the links shown in the 'Source' box and ignore the politics and bias about climate and being green, you can gain some understanding on the when and how solar and wind will progress to a greater and greater portion of electrical production.
Up front cost and lack of power lines to areas with vast open land areas and a high concentration of sun. Concentrated solar power (with mirrors)is cheaper than all but coal power. Only problem is most if the cost is in building the project (instead of spread out over 40 years of buying fuel). Enough energy can easily be stored for 2 days in molten salt storage facilities on site for night and cloudy weather use.
In reality, solar energy costs more money than to electric enegry and using natural gas. Instalkling a solar panel for you whole entire house costs over than you could afford a new plamsa TV set. The oils are fossil fuels, easier to get. Same to electrical enegry produced by wind power, water power, etc. other sources that produces these energy.
Where do U think our great supply of fossil fuel comes from.All energy comes from the sun and plants capture it in the process of converting CO2 to oxygen. The plants keep the C and it deteriorates to oil %26amp; gas. This happens all over the world and it is not just the trees but all plants. The plants capture the energy and converts it to oil ,which is stored nature puts the oil in its seed. Like olive oil and even the seed of grass.
if you covered the whole state of NV, we still could not power this country, then when the sunsets, what, we all just sit in the dark
It is being done but still manufacturing solar cells is quite expensive
Its all about the benjamins, when the big guys can make more from alternitive sources, oil will be illegal!!!

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