Friday, December 18, 2009

Crude oil extraction and geo thermal impact?

As i am looking at my portable oil filled electric space heater it dawns on me: does the amount of crude oil we have extracted directly upset the balance of cooling the oil provided against rising heat from the earths core?do we have a double whammy in this action? did the accumulative movement of oil in the earths mantle help disperse and relocate heat much like our sweating and blood stream? Does the absence of trillions of barrels and it's volume and viscosity have this effect. is there research on this?

if this plausible or probable and we further the effect by burning the oil and making pollution what have we really done?

just wondering?

OsoCrude oil extraction and geo thermal impact?
The extraction of crude oil from the surface of the earth has really no effect upon the rate of heat produced from the earth's core. Yes, the crude oil is warm when it flows from the earth but this amount of heat is insignificant compared to what flows over all and think about the heat released by a volcano and you will realize that these things like the hot oil will not be nearly as large as what is released regularly by volcanoes and geothermal hot spots.Crude oil extraction and geo thermal impact?
I don't think it does anything to the planet's core since that part is hot due to other chemical reactions, but the fact that we are extracting oil and gas which is found at very high pressure and temperatures MUST have some kind of impact, earthquakes, volcanic activity or something (I guess) Report Abuse

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