Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Scientists now believe that due to global warming, oil extraction will be made easier in the Arctic.?

Five countries: United States, Canada, Denmark, Russia, and Sweeden (I think) are making plans to begin drilling there in the near future. Has anyone considered that once they extract more oil, and turn it into gasoline and other fuel-burning products, that they'll be heating-up the planet even more? Where is the sense in that?Scientists now believe that due to global warming, oil extraction will be made easier in the Arctic.?
There is nothing ';now'; about this. Scientists (geophysicists) did the seismic research a long time ago in the 70s when the price of oil peaked. At that time Canada began to utilize these sites but then pulled back out when the price of oil dropped back down. Unfortunately it's simply an economic equation and less ice and high oil prices = easier drilling and more profits.Scientists now believe that due to global warming, oil extraction will be made easier in the Arctic.?
The whole planet will turn to molten lava and all 7-11s will be destroyed. Mankind has been in control of Earth's temperature for the last 750,000 years. I'm so sad that they want to drill in the Arctic. What will the Saudis do? I'll bet they will have a fit. Al Gore said the Saudis, due to global warming, will have to move to either New Zealand or Norway. How will that pan out? ts
Great news! This world is really starving for energy and developing countries in continents like Africa are really demanding it just to be able to have basic services we take for granted in the United States. You base your entire argument in propaganda; don't believe scare mongers like Al Gore. The idea that man made CO2 is the cause of global warming is so extremely weak I don't even know where to start. Relax and be happy. At least the price at the pump will be coming down soon. Hope we find a lot of oil...
Money is the driving factor here.
Unfortunately I think TG is right.
They are obviously competing for the territory, not so much for the oil. It was reported that Russia planted state flags on the islands to claim that they were part of its territory.
Obviously there's no sense in it, but we're going to depend on fossil fuels until the Earth runs dry, and then epic chaos will ensue. Of course, this is just my prediction, but it's certainly headed in that direction.
The entire world's economy runs on fossil fuel. Conservation is great, researching alternatives is great, but right now, we need the oil. Unless we're prepared to just shut the whole thing down and let everybody starve in the cold and the dark, we'll be burning lots of fossil fuels for a long time to come.
25% of the world's oil is supposed to be locked in the Arctic.

Not only will it be easier to extract the oil there but the melting ice will open new North-West sea passages which will make a lot of trade routes shorter.
Well....once the money's been made, they can then research alternatives, because then there'll be no choice.
They wont find any oil there, It won't make any difference if they did because nobody cares about where the oil they buy comes from.
Even if we conserve and reduce CO2, we will need oil. The Ice caps thaw every 10,000 years are so. We need to get all the oil we can while it is thawed out. It will freeze over again just like it always has.

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