Friday, December 18, 2009

What's important to consider in choosing an replacement oil furnace?

We have plans to replace our oil furnace; it is old and inefficient.It is likely that we will stick with oil heat and the electric hot water heater that we already have, which is not too old.

What kinds of things do I need to think about in choosing a new oil furnace?What's important to consider in choosing an replacement oil furnace?
first, is it really a furnace, or is it a boiler? if you have hot air heat, it's a furnace, but many people with a boiler call that a furnace, too. if you have radiators and hot water heat, you've got a boiler, which is what i also have. that said, that is what i can give you some advice about. one thing to consider re; your electric hot water heater is, how much it costs you to heat your hot water with electricity. for not a lot more money, you can buy a boiler that will make hot water, while you heat your house anyways. depending on where you live, that's almost like free hot water, for better than half the year. this is called 'indirect hot water', and can pay for itself in just a few years. you'll have to replace your existing electric tank with a new holding tank, and your new boiler will have a second circulating pump on it, to circulate hot water thru the new tank for heating the water. it's kind of like having a radiator inside the new tank, that heats your hot water. as far as the new boiler itself, look into getting a cast iron boiler. two that i was impressed with were weil mclean, and dunkirk boilers. i would only buy a steel boiler, if money was a problem, or you were planning to sell the house within a couple of years, because they don't last as long as cast iron. also, check with fuel oil dealers in your area, most will finance the job at pretty good rates. good luck, hope this was of some help, and gives you some food for thought.

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