Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does oil extraction from the Earth cause earthquakes and Tsunamis?

I heard that removing pressurized oil and gases from the ground causes the plates to shift positions.Does oil extraction from the Earth cause earthquakes and Tsunamis?
There were some cases where pressurized water injection caused earthquakes by hydraulically separating to fault boundaries resulting in slippage. Removing pressurized oil and gas would have very little effect. It is possible to trigger an earthquake I suppose, but it would not build up the necessary stresses to make a sizable quake.Does oil extraction from the Earth cause earthquakes and Tsunamis?
No. So far, there is no evidence for any man-made activities that change plate tectonics, the cause of earthquakes. Tsunamis can be caused earthquakes or avalanches, but no oil drilling has been shown to cause these, so far.
No not at all, untill you try some Hydrogen bomb to drill out the oil.
i doubt that but even were it so do you think the big oil companies would let that information get out.
Good question!
No.. they don't. It is caused by plate techtonics.

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