Friday, December 18, 2009

We should limit the extraction of oil?

For you the speed with which we extract oil is morally acceptable? There is some real risk to the environment and our health or are just conjecture?

p.s. know some relevant study about it?We should limit the extraction of oil?
Limiting the extraction of oil would increase prices and slow the economy - which is the last thing the Global Warming skeptics want and of course some political parties and the oil companies. There aren't enough alternatives out there yet that can be used over large areas - it isn't an economically viable option, yet.

Our hunger for oil is terrible, the US government authorized oil exploration and extraction in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. The oil reserves is just a few months worth of supply for the US. This to me, is unacceptable, in areas of broad biodiversity and all of the already protected areas, there should definately be limited extraction of oil - limited to the point that it would illegal to mine in such areas.

More areas need to protected in North America certainly. Alaska may be oil rich but it's also the USA's last area of vast wildrness rich in biodiversity.

Similar happens in Canada

There is great risk to the environment from such exploration of fossil fuels. I.e. Strip Mining the oil sands in Alberta Canada. Lush boreal forest is taken up (and I would hope the wood is used for house building) to expose the oil sands where the extraction begins.

Yes, I think there should be a limit on the extraction of oil, but until there is a viable alternative it is very unlikely to happen.

Relevant studies are listed in the sources below.

Here are some facts:

Oil sands mining is licensed to use twice the amount of fresh water that the entire city of Calgary uses in a year.

- At least 90% of the fresh water used in the oil sands ends up in ends up in tailing ponds so toxic that propane cannons are used to keep ducks from landing in them.

Processing the oil sands uses enough natural gas in a day to heat 3 million homes in Canada

The toxic tailing ponds are considered one of the largest human-made structures in the world. The ponds span 50 square kilometers and can be seen from space.

Producing a barrel of oil from the oil sands produces three times more greenhouse gas emissions than a barrel of conventional oil.We should limit the extraction of oil?
Alot of people who are to do with this industry, have said that there is LOADS of oil, and it won't be running out any time soon.

There's only one 'decent' argument, and it can't even be proved.

Which is the theory of global warming being linked with Carbon Dioxide.

As crude oil is a Hydrocarbon, fractioning it, cracking it, and burning it for fuel all release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Global warming, and carbon dioxide are supposedly linked, but it cannot be proved.

Something like 30% of the scientists involved with this debate don't believe it has any relevance to CO2.
We all have our own ideas about oil and its production. I for one wish the stuff was never discovered. Many millions have died over the stuff. Yes it is dangerous in many ways to the human,animal and plant life of the planet. More dangerous if it is in ones country and the bigwigs want it. It is a sad state of affairs.
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